Our Story

How we met The two first met online. After exchanging many messages (and one short awkward phone conversation) Tony and Ashley decided to meet in person at Texas Road House. After a very good meal and enjoying each others company, they walked around town mall of Westminster-- not wanting the date to end. So the two saw each other a few more times, but Tony and Ashley's relationship became official March 13, 2005. And its been blue skies and puppies running through green fields ever since. (*wink*)

Our proposal story
Tony and Ashley bought a house together Sept. 28, 2009 and had been in the talks of marriage.  July 17th-22nd 2010 Ashley was over 600 miles away in Chicago for a 5 day business trip.  She missed Tony like crazy!!! Tony also missed Ashley and had a dozen roses and a balloon waiting for her when she got home July 22, 2010.  That night, they got engaged!!  A little untraditional but, they both are wearing engagement rings!  Tony's e-ring is pictured left, he wears it on his right hand, he will have a wedding band as well that he will wear on his left ring finger after the wedding.  Ashley's engagement ring is below, they picked it out together! 

Our Three Kids

Athena and Aries are from the same litter.  We rescued them from the Humane Society in 2009.  They are total love bugs-- they love to cuddle with mom and dad on the couch. 

Abby is our newest.  She was born May 8th 2010.  She is full of energy and likes to climb walls and pounce her sisters.  Now that she is getting older she is calming down a bit and is becoming more affectionate.

These three girls are like children to us.  We can't physically have them at our wedding but I'm trying to think of ideas to incorporate them somehow.